Black Type Race

Jockey Club Gold Cup S. - G1, $750,000, BEL,

09/29/18, 3yo+, 1 1/4m, 1:59.99.
Margins: NK,1 3/4,2HF Odds: 45.50,6.50,4.30
1-- Discreet Lover, 126, h, 12, by Repent
1st Dam: Discreet Chat by Discreet Cat
2nd Dam: Chatta Code by Lost Code
3rd Dam: Chattahoochee by Mount Hagen (Fr)
O: Uriah St. Lewis
B: Woodford Thoroughbreds
T: Uriah St. Lewis
J: Manuel Franco
$433,125 Lifetime: 48-7-7-7,$1,451,385
2-- Thunder Snow (Ire), 126, h, 11, by Helmet (Aus)
1st Dam: Eastern Joy (GB) by Dubai Destination
2nd Dam: Red Slippers by Nureyev
3rd Dam: Morning Devotion by Affirmed
O: Godolphin, LLC
B: Darley
T: Saeed bin Suroor
J: Christophe Soumillon
$150,000 Lifetime: 24-8-7-4,$16,511,476
3-- Mendelssohn, 122, h, 10, by Scat Daddy
1st Dam: Leslie's Lady by Tricky Creek
2nd Dam: Crystal Lady by Stop the Music
3rd Dam: One Last Bird by One for All
O: Tabor, Michael B., Magnier, Mrs. John, and Smith, Derrick
B: Clarkland Farm
T: Aidan P. O'Brien
J: Ryan L. Moore
$90,000 Lifetime: 13-4-2-2,$2,542,137

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