Black Type Race

California Derby - G3, $0, GG,

04/19/97, , 1 1/8m, 1:52.40, T, TF
Margins: 1 1/2, nk, 2 1/2 Odds: 9, 3.4, 4.4
1-- I'm A Jewel, 118, c, 2025, by Somethingfabulous
1st Dam: Soaring Jewel by Golden Eagle II
2nd Dam: Dazzlingly by Decidedly
3rd Dam: Twinkling Hill by
B: Larry & Suzanne Bollmann
$120,000 Lifetime: 13-4-3-1, $174,945
2-- Greed Is Good, 118, g, 13, by Defrere
1st Dam: Terrific Interview by Private Interview
2nd Dam: Tiggerific by Miswaki
3rd Dam: by
B: Richard Troncone, Joan Troncone, Et Al.
$40,000 Lifetime: 7-2-2-0, $110,820
3-- Oakhurst, 118, h, 2025, by Dynaformer
1st Dam: Blading Saddle by Blade
2nd Dam: Marlodge by Tentam
3rd Dam: Silver Betsy by Nearctic
B: Gulf States Racing Stables II
$24,000 Lifetime: 8-2-0-1, $64,725

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