Black Type Race

Betfred Chipchase S. - G3, £59,022, NEW,

06/29/13, , 6f, 01:13.830, T, GS
Margins: HD, 2HF, 1HF Odds: 0.8, 7.5, 33
1-- Jack Dexter (GB), 129, g, 16, by Orientor (GB)
1st Dam: Glenhurich (Ire) by Sri Pekan
2nd Dam: Forli's Treat by Forli
3rd Dam: Bendara by Never Bend
O: Johnnie Delta Racing
B: Jim Goldie
T: Goldie Jim
J: Lee G
$51,702 Lifetime: 16-7-1-1, $261,911
2-- Mass Rally (Ire), 129, g, 18, by Kheleyf
1st Dam: Reunion (Ire) by Be My Guest
2nd Dam: Phylella (Ire) by Persian Bold (Ire)
3rd Dam: Tumblella (Ire) by
O: Business Development Consultants Limited
B: Round Hill Stud
T: Dods Michael
J: Mulrennan P
$19,601 Lifetime: 38-4-9-3, $157,062
3-- Mirza (GB), 129, g, 18, by Oasis Dream (GB)
1st Dam: Millyant (GB) by Primo Dominie (GB)
2nd Dam: Jubilee Song (GB) by Song (GB)
3rd Dam: Sylvanecte (Fr) by Silver Shark
O: Mr C. J. Mills
B: C. J. Mills
$9,810 Lifetime: 28-6-2-1, $130,033

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