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TDN Stallion Videos

Cross Traffic and Golden Sense at Spendthrift: the 1-2 Second-Crop Sires at Spendthrift

In 2020, Goldencents and Cross Traffic ended the year as the number one and two first-crop sires. In 2021, their positions have swapped, and they are atop the second-crop cumulative list. We talked to the Stallion Sales Manager at Spendthrift, Mark Toothaker, about the pair.

Cross Traffic

2009, Unbridled's Song-Stop Traffic by Cure the Blues

Spendthrift Farm KY

Cross Traffic and Golden Sense at Spendthrift: the 1-2 Second-Crop Sires at Spendthrift

In 2020, Goldencents and Cross Traffic ended the year as the number one and two first-crop sires. In 2021, their positions have swapped, and they are atop the second-crop cumulative list. We talked to the Stallion Sales Manager at Spendthrift, Mark Toothaker, about the pair.

Cross Traffic Walking Video

Watch Cross Traffic walk and see his conformation in this short video.

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