Black Type Race

Inside Information S. - G2, $200,000, GP,

03/17/18, 4yo+, 7f, 1:23.29.
Margins: 1,NK,5 1/4 Odds: 1.00,8.60,18.10
1-- Ivy Bell, 119, m, 12, by Archarcharch
1st Dam: Fallseed by Forest Wildcat
2nd Dam: Numero Uno by Afleet
3rd Dam: Une Pavane (Fr) by Caro (Ire)
O: Mathis Stable LLC and Madaket Stables LLC
B: T/C Stable, LLC
T: Todd A. Pletcher
J: Javier Castellano
$121,520 Lifetime: 20-5-8-1,$599,087
2-- Jordan's Henny, 123, m, 11, by Henny Hughes
1st Dam: Sophiano by Rubiano
2nd Dam: Six Hats by Saratoga Six
3rd Dam: Hat Tip by Al Hattab
O: Woolsey, E. Ervine and Kinder, Ralph
B: Erv Woolsey & Ralph Kinder
T: Michael A. Tomlinson
J: Robby Albarado
$39,200 Lifetime: 16-3-4-5,$301,796
3-- Mines and Magic, 117, m, 12, by Mineshaft
1st Dam: Magical Theater by Smart Strike
2nd Dam: Moments Of Magic by Danzig
3rd Dam: Cabiria by Raise a Native
O: G. Watts Humphrey, Jr.
B: G. Watts Humphrey Jr., Susie Keller, Vicki Oliver & G. Watts Humphrey III
T: Victoria H. Oliver
J: Jose Lezcano
$19,600 Lifetime: 21-3-5-3,$268,851

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