Black Type Race

Copa San Juan S. - L, $72,128, CMR,

07/08/18, 3yo, 1 3/16m, 2:4.58.
Margins: 1HF,3,7 3/4 Odds: 0.40,5.70,1.75
1-- Regalada, 116, m, 10, by Hockenheim
1st Dam: Transformadora by Van Nistelrooy
2nd Dam: Meetmeatthegate by Peaks and Valleys
3rd Dam: At The Gate by Hero's Honor
O: L.A.R. Stable, Corp.
B: Luis Archilla
T: Jose M. Arroyo
J: Javier Santiago
$42,688 Lifetime: 13-9-1-1,$207,267
2-- El Salsero, 118, h, 10, by Two Step Salsa
1st Dam: Islera by Running Stag
2nd Dam: La Esplendida by Pleasant Tap
3rd Dam: Unbridled Night by Unbridled
O: Establo Cinco Hermanos
B: Waldemar Rodriguez
T: Maximo Gomez
J: Edwin Castro
$14,720 Lifetime: 33-16-12-3,$275,701
3-- Amigojulioforti, 118, h, 10, by Voice of Destiny
1st Dam: Estais Encrespada by Hockenheim
2nd Dam: Animadora by Devil His Due
3rd Dam: Alytude by Alysheba
O: Antonio Llavona
B: Pedro Agustin
T: Jason Lisboa
J: Juan C. Diaz
$7,360 Lifetime: 14-5-4-3,$110,485

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