Black Type Race

Turf Monster S. - G3, $300,000, PRX,

09/03/18, 3yo+, 5f, 0:56.42, T.
Margins: NK,HF,NO Odds: 3.50,5.90,5.50
1-- Pure Sensation, 119, g, 14, by Zensational
1st Dam: Pure Disco by Disco Rico
2nd Dam: V For Vera by Concorde's Tune
3rd Dam: Pure Fire by Fire Dancer
O: Patricia A. Generazio
B: Patricia Generazio
T: Christophe Clement
J: Kendrick Carmouche
$180,000 Lifetime: 31-11-5-6,$1,593,550
2-- Vision Perfect, 124, h, 13, by Pollard's Vision
1st Dam: Steamy by Speightstown
2nd Dam: Ruff by Clever Trick
3rd Dam: Marked Well by Well Decorated
O: Mr. Amore Stable
B: Robert Spiegel
T: Jason Servis
J: Frankie Pennington
$60,000 Lifetime: 34-8-5-5,$792,154
3-- Rainbow Heir, 124, h, 15, by Wildcat Heir
1st Dam: Rainbow Pride by Prospectors Gamble
2nd Dam: Our Lady Tingle by Pursuit
3rd Dam: Tingle by Sea Wall
O: New Farm
B: New Farm
T: Jason Servis
J: Trevor McCarthy
$33,000 Lifetime: 33-14-4-4,$837,395

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