Black Type Race

Allied Forces S. $100,000, BEL,

09/08/18, 3yo, 6f, 1:9.71, T.
Margins: 5 3/4,12 1/4,6 1/4 Odds: 0.95,2.80,22.30
1-- World of Trouble, 124, h, 10, by Kantharos
1st Dam: Meets Expectations by Valid Expectations
2nd Dam: Meetmeontime by General Meeting
3rd Dam: Parlay by Mt. Livermore
O: Dubb, Michael, Madaket Stables LLC and Bethlehem Stables LLC
B: Darsan Inc.
T: Jason Servis
J: Manuel Franco
$55,000 Lifetime: 7-4-1-1,$333,400
2-- Dirty, 118, h, 10, by Maclean's Music
1st Dam: Martini by Yes It's True
2nd Dam: Tropical Punch by Two Punch
3rd Dam: Abovehawaii by Great Above
O: Tom O'Grady
B: Barak Farm
T: Jeremiah C. Englehart
J: Javier Castellano
$20,000 Lifetime: 9-3-2-1,$125,380
3-- Reed Kan, 118, r, 10, by Kantharos
1st Dam: Proud Trippi by Trippi
2nd Dam: So Proud by Skip Trial
3rd Dam: Proud Woman by Proudest Roman
O: Dubb, Michael, Black Swan Stable, and Simon, David
B: Gem Racing Inc & Phil Combest
T: Jason Servis
J: Eric Cancel
$12,000 Lifetime: 10-3-1-3,$122,468

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