Black Type Race

Price Bailey Ben Marshall S. - L, £47,974, NEW,

11/03/18, 3yo+, 8.0f, 1:40.40, T.
Margins: 5,NO,6 Odds: 2.25,4.50,2.50
1-- Mitchum Swagger (GB), 128, g, 13, by Paco Boy (Ire)
1st Dam: Dont Dili Dali (GB) by Dansili (GB)
2nd Dam: Miss Meltemi (Ire) by Miswaki Tern
3rd Dam: Blu Meltemi (Ity) by Star Shareef (Ire)
O: The Anagram Partnership
B: Peter Webb & Peter Lay
T: Ralph M. Beckett
J: Harry Bentley
$27,207 Lifetime: 29-4-6-4,$216,752
1st Dam: Chibola (Arg) by Roy
2nd Dam: Choice (Arg) by Confidential Talk
3rd Dam: Che Constanza by Mariache II
O: Fell & High Hopes Partnership
B: Mrs James Wigan
T: R. G. Fell
J: Cameron Noble
$10,314 Lifetime: 78-16-11-5,$271,249
1st Dam: Cloghran (Fr) by Muhtathir (GB)
2nd Dam: The WIse Lady (Fr) by Ganges
3rd Dam: Miller's Lily (Fr) by Miller's Mate (GB)
O: Cross, Deal, Foden, Sieff
B: Mme Monique Lepeudry
T: Harry Dunlop
J: Adam Earl Kirby
$5,162 Lifetime: 36-6-8-4,$722,442

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