Black Type Race

Davona Dale S. - G2, $200,000, GP,

03/02/19, 3yo, 1m, 1:36.83.
Margins: HD,4HF,1 Odds: 51.50,13.00,9.00
1-- Jeltrin, 116, f, 9, by Tapizar
1st Dam: Song to the Moon by Successful Appeal
2nd Dam: Foxy Friend by Crafty Friend
3rd Dam: Gerri N Jo Go by Top Command
O: ADR Racing Stable, LLC
B: C. Kidder, N. Cole, J. K. Griggs & Linda Griggs
T: Alexis Delgado
J: Luis Saez
$121,520 Lifetime: 11-3-1-3,$377,488
2-- Cookie Dough, 121, f, 9, by Brethren
1st Dam: Brooke's Valentine by Fusaichi Pegasus
2nd Dam: Jena Jena by Dixieland Band
3rd Dam: With A Wink by Clever Trick
O: Arindel
B: Arindel
T: Stanley I. Gold
J: Jeffrey Sanchez
$39,200 Lifetime: 11-2-2-4,$510,150
3-- Champagne Anyone, 116, f, 9, by Street Sense
1st Dam: Lucevan by Ghostzapper
2nd Dam: Luminare (Arg) by Forlitano (Arg)
3rd Dam: Luminaria (Arg) by Pepenador
O: Six Column Stables, LLC and Bloch, Randall L.
B: Stonestreet Thoroughbred Holdings LLC
T: Ian R. Wilkes
J: Chris Landeros
$19,600 Lifetime: 10-3-0-3,$360,825

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