Black Type Race

Any Limit S. $75,000, GP,

03/23/19, 3yo, 6f, 1:12.49.
Margins: 3,3,NO Odds: 19.80,2.20,0.80
1-- Brunette Princess, 118, f, 9, by Bodemeister
1st Dam: Giant's Princess by Giant's Causeway
2nd Dam: Lotta Dancing by Alydar
3rd Dam: Lotka by Danzig
O: OGMA Investments, LLC
B: John David Zuidema Jr.
T: Gustavo Delgado
J: Chris Landeros
$30,750 Lifetime: 9-2-3-1,$95,645
1-- Miss Marcela, 118, f, 9, by Bodemeister
1st Dam: Back Bay Dixie by Dixieland Band
2nd Dam: Copano Bay by Seattle Slew
3rd Dam: Milliardaire by Alydar
O: Paumar Racing Stable LLC and Margoth
B: Siena Farms LLC
T: Antonio Sano
J: Emisael Jaramillo
$30,750 Lifetime: 10-2-1-2,$75,722
3-- Smoken Deb, 118, f, 9, by Cairo Prince
1st Dam: Tart's Knickers by Ghostzapper
2nd Dam: Go Go by Falstaff
3rd Dam: Key Mist by Plugged Nickle
O: Robert V. LaPenta
B: Brereton C. Jones, Bret Jones & Ben Henley
T: Jonathan Thomas
J: Javier Castellano
$7,500 Lifetime: 5-1-1-1,$28,880

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