Black Type Race

Miyako Oji S. - L, ¥445,900, KYO,

05/11/19, 4yo+, 1800m, 1:44.60, .
Margins: 1 3/4,NK,1 1/4 Odds: 2.50,6.90,6.00
1-- So Glittering (Jpn), 126, h, 11, by Stay Gold (Jpn)
1st Dam: So Magic (Jpn) by Symboli Kris S
2nd Dam: Xua (Ire) by Fairy King
3rd Dam: Bold Starlet (GB) by
O: Shadai Race Horse Co., Ltd.
B: Shadai Farm
T: Yasuo Ikee
J: Yuga Kawada
$238,766 Lifetime: 19-7-5-0,$1,299,769
2-- Territorial (Jpn), 123, h, 11, by Teofilo (Ire)
1st Dam: Conservatoire by Street Cry (Ire)
2nd Dam: Mezzo Soprano by Darshaan (GB)
3rd Dam: Morn Of Song by Blushing Groom (Fr)
O: Godolphin
B: Darley Japan K.K
T: Katsuichi Nishiura
J: Yasunari Iwata
$91,619 Lifetime: 21-5-5-4,$903,929
1st Dam: Catalina by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Carolina Saga by Caro (Ire)
3rd Dam: Key to the Saga by Key to the Mint
O: Eishindo Co. Ltd.
B: KK Eishindo
T: H. Uemura
J: Ryuji Wada
$59,459 Lifetime: 17-5-3-4,$852,814

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