Black Type Race

Grand Prix de Bordeaux - L, €67,248, LBS,

05/25/19, 4yo+, 1900m, 2:0.78, T.
Margins: 1,NK,1 Odds: 0.00,0.00,0.00
1-- Kabir (Ger), 125, g, 10, by Lord of England (Ger)
1st Dam: Karena (Ger) by Midyan
2nd Dam: Key To Love (Fr) by Alzao
3rd Dam: Key Generation (GB) by Young Generation (Ire)
O: Gwh Schmitt
B: not available
T: W. Hickst
J: Eddy Hardouin
$33,624 Lifetime: 17-7-2-2,$229,871
1st Dam: Ordargent (Fr) by Kendargent (Fr)
2nd Dam: Vaillante (Ire) by Zilzal
3rd Dam: Valverda by Irish River (Fr)
O: Mme L. Samoun/G. Duca
B: 2 0 Guy Pariente Holding Sprl
T: C. Escuder
J: Maxime H. Guyon
$13,450 Lifetime: 16-6-2-2,$138,904
3-- Rolando (Ire), 125, h, 11, by Campanologist
1st Dam: Rosa Di Brema (Ity) by Lomitas (GB)
2nd Dam: Oshima (Ire) by Danehill
3rd Dam: Orangerie (Fr) by Gay Mecene
O: K. Allofs/Gestut Fahrhof
B: Gestut Fahrhof Stiftung
T: A. Wohler
J: Pierre-Charles Boudot
$10,087 Lifetime: 13-3-3-4,$94,050

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