Black Type Race

Prix Paul de Moussac Longines - G3, €90,208, CHY,

06/16/19, 3yo, 1600m, 1:35.96, T.
Margins: 1, 3/4,HD Odds: 0.00,0.00,0.00
1-- Azano (GB), 123, c, 9, by Oasis Dream (GB)
1st Dam: Azanara (Ire) by Hurricane Run (Ire)
2nd Dam: Anaza (Ire) by Darshaan (GB)
3rd Dam: Azaarika (Ire) by
O: M.J. Taylor/L.A. Taylor
B: Elysian Bloodstock Ltd
T: John H. M. Gosden
J: Robert Havlin
$44,844 Lifetime: 7-2-2-1,$80,314
2-- Pizzicato (Ity), 123, g, 9, by Dabirsim (Fr)
1st Dam: Resaca (Ger) by Touch Down (Ger)
2nd Dam: Resafe (Fr) by Poliglote (GB)
3rd Dam: Sally's Room (Fr) by Kendor (Fr)
O: A. Gilibert/Ecurie Vivaldi
B: Allevamento Si.Fra. Srl
T: Fabrice Chappet/Frankreich
J: Christophe Soumillon
$17,938 Lifetime: 10-5-2-1,$258,104
1st Dam: Bulrushes (GB) by Byron (GB)
2nd Dam: Tatora (GB) by Selkirk
3rd Dam: Tatouma by The Minstrel
O: Mme S.Davis/Mme M.O'Neill
B: Bluegate Stud
T: E. J. O'Neill
J: Theo Bachelot
$13,453 Lifetime: 11-3-2-2,$106,674

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