Black Type Race

Delaware Oaks - G3, $300,000, DEL,

07/06/19, 3yo, 1 1/16m, 1:43.21.
Margins: 9,4,HD Odds: 1.40,0.90,69.00
1-- Jaywalk, 116, f, 9, by Cross Traffic
1st Dam: Lady Pewitt by Orientate
2nd Dam: Spin Room by Spinning World
3rd Dam: by
O: D. J. Stable LLC and Cash is King LLC
B: Gainesway Thoroughbreds LTD
T: John C. Servis
J: Joe Bravo
$167,000 Lifetime: 11-5-2-1,$1,668,500
2-- Fashion Faux Pas, 116, f, 9, by Flatter
1st Dam: Clash by Arch
2nd Dam: Cajole by Saint Ballado
3rd Dam: Common Threads by
O: Denlea Park, Ltd. and Spellman, Kent
B: Claiborne Farm & Adele B. Dilschneider
T: Arnaud Delacour
J: Daniel Centeno
$55,000 Lifetime: 10-3-2-1,$176,700
3-- Ujjayi, 117, f, 9, by Smarty Jones
1st Dam: Ocean Road by War Front
2nd Dam: Salally Bella by Pulpit
3rd Dam: by
O: T. L. Wise
B: T L Wise
T: Erin C. McClellan
J: Tyler Conner
$32,000 Lifetime: 11-3-2-2,$194,845

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