Black Type Race

Sapporo Nisai S. - G3, ¥551,426, SAP,

08/31/19, 2yo, 1800m, 1:50.40, T.
Margins: 1 1/4,1 3/4,NO Odds: 28.40,9.20,1.80
1-- Black Hole (Jpn), 119, c, 8, by Gold Ship (Jpn)
1st Dam: Viva Bouquet (Jpn) by King Kamehameha (Jpn)
2nd Dam: Blue Ridge River (Jpn) by Fuji Kiseki (Jpn)
3rd Dam: by
O: Seichi Serizawa
B: Seiichi Serizawa
T: Ikuo Aizawa
J: Y. Ishikawa
$295,728 Lifetime: 3-2-1-0,$367,944
2-- Satono Gold (Jpn), 119, c, 8, by Gold Ship (Jpn)
1st Dam: My Jen by Fusaichi Pegasus
2nd Dam: Mekko Hokte by Holy Bull
3rd Dam: Aerosilver by Relaunch
O: Satomi Horse Company Co.,Ltd.
B: Shadai Farm
T: N. Sugai
J: Yutaka Take
$114,068 Lifetime: 2-1-1-0,$178,958
1st Dam: Miss Kenton (Ire) by Pivotal (GB)
2nd Dam: Do The Honours (Ire) by Highest Honor (Fr)
3rd Dam: Persian Secret (Fr) by Persian Heights (GB)
O: Godolphin
B: Canning Bloodstock Ltd
T: T. Kimura
J: Kenichi Ikezoe
$73,972 Lifetime: 2-1-0-1,$138,932

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