Black Type Race

Tote Proud Sponsors Of Leopardstown Racecourse Knockaire S. - L, €52,077, Leo,

10/26/19, 3yo+, 7.0f, 1:36.41, T.
Margins: 3/4,1 3/4,HF Odds: 8.00,28.00,2.25
1-- Psychedelic Funk (GB), 133, h, 11, by Choisir (Aus)
1st Dam: Parabola (GB) by Galileo (Ire)
2nd Dam: Zietory (GB) by Zieten
3rd Dam: by
O: Sean Jones
B: Mrs J. Imray
T: G. M. Lyons
J: Carroll Carroll
$30,725 Lifetime: 22-6-2-4,$243,360
2-- Thiswaycadeaux (Ire), 128, m, 11, by Thewayyouare
1st Dam: Shuruk (GB) by Cadeaux Genereux (GB)
2nd Dam: Harmless Albatross by Pas de Seul (GB)
3rd Dam: by
O: Mrs Amanda McCreery
B: Miss Ciara Cox
T: W McCreery
J: Leigh Francis Roche
$9,895 Lifetime: 27-5-3-3,$78,983
1st Dam: Red Fanfare (GB) by First Trump (GB)
2nd Dam: Corman-Style (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Miss Millicent (GB) by
O: Mrs E Keane & Mrs F Cumiskey
B: Gerry Cumiskey
T: G Keane
J: Colin T. Keane
$4,687 Lifetime: 14-3-4-2,$167,161

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