Black Type Race

Soi Phet S. $100,000, LRC,

06/27/20, 3yo+, 1m, 1:35.49.
Margins: 4,HD,2 Odds: 1.00,12.10,18.80
1-- Galilean, 119, h, 9, by Uncle Mo
1st Dam: Fresia by El Prado (Ire)
2nd Dam: Fleet of Foot by Gone West
3rd Dam: Seattle Classic by Seattle Slew
O: West Point Thoroughbreds, Barker, Denise, Sandbrook, William, Magnier, John, Tabor, Michael B. and S
B: Bar C Racing Stables, Inc.
T: John W. Sadler
J: Juan J. Hernandez
$60,000 Lifetime: 9-4-1-3,$442,848
2-- Grinning Tiger, 124, g, 10, by Smiling Tiger
1st Dam: Karlee's Kitten by Pioneering
2nd Dam: Colonial Kitten by Colonial Affair
3rd Dam: Thirty Six Kittens by Thirty Six Red
O: Tyree J. Wolesensky
B: Patrick Cosgrove
T: Anthony K. Saavedra
J: Heriberto Figueroa
$20,000 Lifetime: 28-8-5-1,$229,801
3-- Brandothebartender, 119, g, 12, by Tribal Rule
1st Dam: Frysland by Stravinsky
2nd Dam: Symphonynumbernine by Aloha Prospector
3rd Dam: Accuwoman by Akureyri
O: Flawless Racing, Flanagan, Brian and Jarvis, Michael
B: John R. Haagsma & Wesley Ward
T: Craig Dollase
J: Umberto Rispoli
$12,000 Lifetime: 35-6-4-12,$472,984

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