Black Type Race

Jockey Club Gold Cup S. - G1, $250,000, BEL,

10/10/20, 3yo+, 1 1/4m, 2:1.77.
Margins: 3/4,1 1/4,6 1/4 Odds: 2.35,7.10,0.65
Also Ran: Prioritize, Name Changer,
1-- Happy Saver, 122, h, 8, by Super Saver
1st Dam: Happy Week by Distorted Humor
2nd Dam: Lassie's Legacy by Deputy Minister
3rd Dam: Weekend Surprise by Secretariat
O: Wertheimer and Frere
B: Wertheimer et Frere
T: Todd A. Pletcher
J: Irad Ortiz, Jr.
$137,500 Lifetime: 4-4-0-0,$273,400
2-- Mystic Guide, 122, h, 8, by Ghostzapper
1st Dam: Music Note by A.P. Indy
2nd Dam: Note Musicale by Sadler's Wells
3rd Dam: It's In The Air by Mr. Prospector
O: Godolphin, LLC
B: Godolphin
T: Michael Stidham
J: John R. Velazquez
$50,000 Lifetime: 6-2-2-2,$193,200
3-- Tacitus, 126, h, 9, by Tapit
1st Dam: Close Hatches by First Defence
2nd Dam: Rising Tornado by Storm Cat
3rd Dam: Silver Star (GB) by Zafonic
O: Juddmonte Farms, Inc.
B: Juddmonte Farms Inc.
T: William I. Mott
J: Jose L. Ortiz
$30,000 Lifetime: 14-4-4-3,$2,947,500

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