Black Type Race

Betway Achilles S. - L, £52,506, HAY,

05/29/21, 3yo+, 5.0f, 1:1.18, T.
Margins: NK,2,2 1/4 Odds: 3.00,6.00,6.00
1-- King's Lynn (GB), 130, c, 8, by Cable Bay (Ire)
1st Dam: Kinematic (GB) by Kyllachy (GB)
2nd Dam: Spinning Top (GB) by Alzao
3rd Dam: Zenith (GB) by Shirley Heights (GB)
O: The Queen
B: The Queen
T: Andrew M. Balding
J: Oisin Murphy
$29,777 Lifetime: 15-3-6-2,$314,684
2-- Moss Gill (Ire), 130, g, 9, by No Nay Never
1st Dam: Sharaarah (Ire) by Oasis Dream (GB)
2nd Dam: Nidhaal (Ire) by Observatory
3rd Dam: Jeed (Ire) by Mujtahid
O: G Van Cutsem, J & S Bethell
B: Camas Park & Lynch Bages
T: E. Bethell
J: Patrick J. McDonald
$11,289 Lifetime: 22-5-9-1,$202,148
1st Dam: Deira by Green Desert
2nd Dam: New Sayyedati by Shadeed
3rd Dam: Dubian (GB) by High Line (GB)
O: Ambrose Turnbull & John Cruces
B: Corrin Stud
T: Tim D. Easterby
J: David J. Allan
$5,649 Lifetime: 43-5-6-5,$157,912

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