Black Type Race

D. S. Shine Young Futurity $60,000, EVD,

09/18/21, 2yo, 5 1/2f, 1:5.39.
Margins: HF,HD,1HF Odds: 24.50,3.10,2.50
1-- Fiesty Fist, 122, g, 6, by Iron Fist
1st Dam: Sheza Roman Ruler by Roman Ruler
2nd Dam: She's Exclusive by Pyramid Peak
3rd Dam: by
O: Whispering Oaks Farm LLC
B: Carrol J. Castille
T: Steven B. Flint
J: Kevin J. Smith
$36,000 Lifetime: 3-2-0-0,$50,400
2-- True Deal, 122, c, 6, by El Deal
1st Dam: Hilarious Brown by Big Brown
2nd Dam: Funny Girl Rachel by Distorted Humor
3rd Dam: Fast 'N Fleet by Mr. Greeley
O: Robert A. Norman
B: Cloyce C. Clark Jr.
T: Lonnie Briley
J: Joe Stokes
$10,800 Lifetime: 4-2-2-0,$61,400
3-- Tambourine Star, 119, c, 6, by Star Guitar
1st Dam: Tambourine Queen by Giant's Causeway
2nd Dam: Our New Empire by Empire Maker
3rd Dam: by
O: Brittlyn Stable, Inc.
B: Brittlyn Stables, Inc.
T: Jose M. Camejo
J: Diego Saenz
$6,000 Lifetime: 3-0-1-2,$16,200

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