Black Type Race

Aspirant S. $116,242, FL,

09/27/21, 2yo, 6f, 1:11.12.
Margins: NO,9 3/4,3 1/4 Odds: 4.50,0.65,22.90
1-- Adios Asher, 121, c, 6, by Adios Charlie
1st Dam: Rooney Doodle by Lit de Justice
2nd Dam: Jewelofthesea by Theatrical (Ire)
3rd Dam: by
O: Ravin, Richard and Patricia's Hope LLC
B: Richard Ravin
T: Larry Rivelli
J: E. T. Baird
$69,745 Lifetime: 3-2-0-1,$91,045
2-- Daufuskie Island, 121, c, 6, by Goldencents
1st Dam: Livermore Valley by Mt. Livermore
2nd Dam: Secret Prospect by Allen's Prospect
3rd Dam: Fleuve by Riverman
O: Robert G. Hahn
B: Robert Hahn
T: Jeremiah C. Englehart
J: Dylan Davis
$23,249 Lifetime: 3-1-1-0,$71,999
3-- Gimmedamoney, 121, c, 6, by Central Banker
1st Dam: Sabael by Hook and Ladder
2nd Dam: Eyeofbeauty by Bounding Basque
3rd Dam: Wanakena by On to Glory
O: Three Diamonds Farm
B: Chester Broman & Mary R. Broman
T: Michael J. Maker
J: Reylu Gutierrez
$11,625 Lifetime: 3-0-1-1,$29,263

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