Black Type Race

Arctic Queen S. $50,000, FL,

10/04/21, 3yo+, 6f, 1:11.64.
Margins: 3 3/4,12HF,3HF Odds: 0.45,9.60,1.55
1-- Miss Jimmy, 124, f, 9, by Colonel John
1st Dam: Smart Eyes by Midas Eyes
2nd Dam: A Smart Punch by Whiskey Wisdom
3rd Dam: by
O: McDonough, Ann and Least, Laurel A.
B: Laurel Least & Gabriel McDonough
T: Bruce D. Anderson
J: Oscar Gomez
$30,000 Lifetime: 22-10-9-1,$312,855
2-- Hannah Dances, 122, f, 8, by Shakin It Up
1st Dam: Comfort Level by Mizzen Mast
2nd Dam: Yes Beth by Deputy Commander
3rd Dam: by
O: TLC Thoroughbreds
B: TLC Thoroughbreds, LLC
T: M. Anthony Ferraro
J: Luis E. Perez
$10,000 Lifetime: 13-7-2-1,$129,890
3-- Letmetakethiscall, 124, m, 10, by Take Charge Indy
1st Dam: Spring Elusion by Elusive Quality
2nd Dam: Autumn Slew by Slew o' Gold
3rd Dam: Summer Run by Put It Back
O: Levy, Mathew and Greenvald, Kenneth
B: Danzel Brendemuehl & Sandra Lombardo
T: James W. Ferraro
J: Dylan Davis
$5,000 Lifetime: 34-13-6-4,$478,892

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