Black Type Race

Gold Rush S. $75,000, GG,

12/04/21, 2yo, 1m, 1:37.96, AW.
Margins: HF,1,NO Odds: 1.70,1.90,17.70
1-- Boise, 122, c, 6, by Temple City
1st Dam: Chu and You by You and I
2nd Dam: Bronze Charmer by Volponi
3rd Dam: Somebody Dear by Seattle Slew
O: Hall, Jason R., Herbertson, Scott and Steinmetz, Sheldon
B: Upson Downs Farm
T: Jonathan Wong
J: Evin A. Roman
$45,000 Lifetime: 3-2-0-0,$72,000
2-- Degree of Risk, 122, c, 6, by Cairo Prince
1st Dam: Wipe Out by Hard Spun
2nd Dam: Surf Club by Ocean Crest
3rd Dam: Horns Gray by Pass the Tab
O: Godolphin, LLC
B: Godolphin
T: Eoin G. Harty
J: Irving Orozco
$15,000 Lifetime: 6-1-2-2,$102,712
3-- Dr Pescado, 122, c, 6, by Fullbridled
1st Dam: Sweetly Peppered by Peppered Cat
2nd Dam: Sweet Bimbo by Allawinir
3rd Dam: Sweet Nicki by Tsuba
O: Arechiga, Ruben and Rondan, Felix
B: Juan Heredia
T: Felix Rondan
J: Pedro M. Terrero
$9,000 Lifetime: 4-2-0-1,$68,668

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