Black Type Race

Ritto S. - L, ¥338,965, CYO,

05/15/22, 4yo+, 1400m, 1:23.00.
Margins: HF,NO,1 Odds: 7.00,8.50,3.00
1-- Ladybug (Jpn), 117, f, 7, by Hokko Tarumae (Jpn)
1st Dam: Favorite Girl (Jpn) by Dance in the Dark (Jpn)
2nd Dam: Solo Singer by Swiss Yodeler
3rd Dam: by
O: Gold Up Company Co.,Ltd.
B: Gold Up Company
T: Yoshihito Kitade
J: Manabu Sakai
$180,920 Lifetime: 13-4-3-1,$858,310
1st Dam: Agitato (Jpn) by Taiki Shuttle
2nd Dam: Fan the Breeze by Lear Fan
3rd Dam: Screen Scene by Exceller
O: Hidaka Farm
B: Hidaka Farm
T: Daisuke Takayanagi
J: Fuma Matsuwaka
$72,034 Lifetime: 24-3-6-4,$1,003,442
1st Dam: Y Cube (Jpn) by Agnes Tachyon (Jpn)
2nd Dam: Elegant Fly (Jpn) by Northern Taste
3rd Dam: by
O: Reiko Hara
B: Okada Stud
T: Shogo Yasuda
J: Kazuo Yokoyama
$45,304 Lifetime: 27-5-5-4,$1,286,131

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