Black Type Race

Snow Chief S. presented by City National Bank $150,000, SA,

05/28/22, 3yo, 1 1/8m, 1:50.21, T.
Margins: 5 3/4,HD,NO Odds: 2.10,13.10,1.00
1-- Bally's Charm, 122, g, 6, by Roi Charmant
1st Dam: Ballydonnell Drive by Arch
2nd Dam: Chosen Honor by Sultry Song
3rd Dam: by
O: Red Baron's Barn LLC and Vaya Con Suerte, LLC
B: Red Baron's Barn LLC & Vaya Con Suerte
T: Jeff Mullins
J: Jessica Pyfer
$90,000 Lifetime: 6-3-0-1,$191,340
2-- Royal 'n Rando, 124, g, 6, by Tamarando
1st Dam: Royal Grand Slam by Grand Slam
2nd Dam: Royal Herat by Herat
3rd Dam: Royal Strait Flush by Seattle Slew
O: Williams, Larry D. and Williams, Marianne
B: Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Williams
T: Steven Specht
J: Frank T. Alvarado
$30,000 Lifetime: 12-4-3-1,$136,568
3-- Smuggler's Run, 120, g, 6, by Straight Fire
1st Dam: Maddie's Odyssey by Kitten's Joy
2nd Dam: Personal Odyssey by Lemon Drop Kid
3rd Dam: Double Platinum (GB) by Seeking the Gold
O: KMN Racing LLC
B: KMN Racing, LLC
T: John W. Sadler
J: Joe Bravo
$18,000 Lifetime: 6-3-1-1,$208,040

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