Black Type Race

Hendrie S. - G3, $116,129, WO,

07/24/22, 3yo+, 6 1/2f, 1:15.68, AW.
Margins: NK,1HF,1 Odds: 26.05,7.05,8.30
1-- Hazelbrook, 123, f, 7, by Bayern
1st Dam: Zaphia by Bernstein
2nd Dam: Weekend Dancer by Fasliyev
3rd Dam: Act Devoted by A.P. Indy
O: True North Stable
B: Mike Bilbrey
T: Lorne Richards
J: Jason Hoyte
$69,678 Lifetime: 10-6-2-1,$348,058
2-- Amalfi Coast, 122, f, 9, by Tapizar
1st Dam: Include Katherine by Include
2nd Dam: Katherine Of Ascot by Ascot Knight
3rd Dam: Avens by Briartic
O: Tracy Farmer
B: Terra Farms Ltd.
T: Mark E. Casse
J: Justin Stein
$27,871 Lifetime: 22-7-4-4,$641,855
3-- La Libertee, 122, f, 7, by Constitution
1st Dam: La Rambla by City Zip
2nd Dam: Loh Collado by More Than Ready
3rd Dam: Classy Irene by El Baba
O: Tracy Farmer
B: Tracy Farmer
T: Mark E. Casse
J: Emma-Jayne Wilson
$12,774 Lifetime: 16-3-0-6,$164,599

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