Black Type Race

Troy S. - G3, $300,000, SAR,

08/05/22, 4yo+, 5 1/2f, 1:0.92, T.
Margins: HD,NK,HF Odds: 0.30,11.00,30.25
1-- Golden Pal, 124, h, 7, by Uncle Mo
1st Dam: Lady Shipman by Midshipman
2nd Dam: Sumthingtotalkabt by Mutakddim
3rd Dam: Nannetta by Falstaff
O: Westerberg Limited, Magnier, Mrs. John, Tabor, Michael B. and Smith, Derrick
B: Randall E. Lowe
T: Wesley A. Ward
J: Irad Ortiz, Jr.
$165,000 Lifetime: 12-8-2-0,$1,815,131
2-- True Valour (Ire), 122, h, 11, by Kodiac (GB)
1st Dam: Sutton Veny (Ire) by Acclamation (GB)
2nd Dam: Carabine by Dehere
3rd Dam: Caracciola (Fr) by Zeddaan (GB)
O: R. Larry Johnson
B: Mr P. O'Rourke
T: H. Graham Motion
J: Feargal Lynch
$60,000 Lifetime: 34-7-4-9,$690,237
3-- Thin White Duke, 118, g, 7, by Dominus
1st Dam: Aberdeen Alley by Distorted Humor
2nd Dam: Silly Miss by Pine Bluff
3rd Dam: Oh Silly Me by Quack
O: Gleaves, Philip A., Crist, Steven, deRegt, Ken and Hilliard, Bryan
B: Phil Gleaves
T: David G. Donk
J: Jose L. Ortiz
$36,000 Lifetime: 19-4-3-5,$434,501

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