Black Type Race

Louisiana Bred Premier Prince S. $100,000, DED,

02/04/23, 3yo, 1m, 1:40.70.
Margins: 1 1/4,11 1/4,2 Odds: 1.60,2.40,10.20
1-- Jack Hammer, 117, g, 5, by Jimmy Creed
1st Dam: Lipstick Junky by Flatter
2nd Dam: In Rome by Saint Ballado
3rd Dam: by
O: Allied Racing Stable, LLC
B: Allied Racing Stable, LLC
T: W. Bret Calhoun
J: Reylu Gutierrez
$60,000 Lifetime: 4-3-0-0,$162,255
2-- Marks Promise, 115, g, 5, by Custom for Carlos
1st Dam: Private Promise by Private Vow
2nd Dam: Wave the Colors by Brahms
3rd Dam: Present Colors by Prized
O: Mark David Hixson
B: Southern Legacy Thoroughbreds, LLC
T: Karl Broberg
J: C.J. McMahon
$20,000 Lifetime: 5-2-1-0,$67,753
3-- King's Lute, 115, c, 5, by Midnight Lute
1st Dam: Sarahcarolu by Songandaprayer
2nd Dam: Establishmentcreek by Mt. Livermore
3rd Dam: by
O: Claiming Cajuns LLC
B: Jim Montgomery & Natalie Montgomery
T: Carl J. Woodley
J: Timothy Thornton
$10,000 Lifetime: 6-1-1-2,$63,742

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