Black Type Race

Texas Stallion Staunch Avenger Division S. $75,000, LS,

06/03/23, 2yo, 5f, 0:59.83.
Margins: 6,HD,2 Odds: 1.20,9.70,4.80
1-- Marfa Sky, 118, c, 4, by Bradester
1st Dam: Perennial Song by Songandaprayer
2nd Dam: Yearly Copy by Souvenir Copy
3rd Dam: Fiscal Year by Half a Year
O: Macassar Corporation
B: Macassar Corporation
T: W. Bret Calhoun
J: Jose L. Alvarez
$44,100 Lifetime: 1-1-0-0,$44,100
2-- Ozzies Wings Y G, 122, g, 4, by Bradester
1st Dam: Brightly by Kitten's Joy
2nd Dam: Blackeyed Pea by Crafty Friend
3rd Dam: by
O: Yesenia's Racing LLC
B: Joseph W. Sutton
T: Edgar V. Mendoza
J: Alfredo Contreras
$14,700 Lifetime: 2-0-2-0,$21,280
3-- Son of a Bling, 118, c, 4, by Too Much Bling
1st Dam: Um Melakeh by Jump Start
2nd Dam: Serenity Jane by Affirmed
3rd Dam: Illeria by Stop the Music
O: Treloar, Theresa and Penta, Steve
B: Joan Ellen Carlson
T: J. R. Caldwell
J: Rene Diaz
$8,085 Lifetime: 1-0-0-1,$8,085

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