Black Type Race

Toboggan H. - G3, $0, AQU,

03/15/03, , 6f, 1:09.09, FT
Margins: 1, 3/4, nk Odds: 1.75, 4, 4
1-- Affirmed Success, 118, h, 31, by Affirmed
1st Dam: Towering Success by Irish Tower
2nd Dam: Social Lesson by Forum
3rd Dam: Cherry Red by Eurasian
O: Fried Albert Jr
B: Fried Albert Jr
T: Schosberg Richard
J: Migliore R
$65,460 Lifetime: 41-17-10-6, $2,274,814
2-- Peeping Tom, 117, g, 28, by Eagle Eyed
1st Dam: Artful Pleasure by Nasty and Bold
2nd Dam: Clever But Costly by Clever Trick
3rd Dam: Swoonlow by Swoonen
O: Flatbird Stable
B: Finney & Taylor
T: Reynolds Patrick J
J: Bridgmohan S X
$21,820 Lifetime: 31-10-6-4, $923,702
3-- Captain Red, 115, h, 28, by Mr. Greeley
1st Dam: Mary Roland by Relaunch
2nd Dam: Larceny Gal by No Robbery
3rd Dam: Bebop 2nd by
O: Pyliotis Anthony
B: Darlene Wahman
T: Synnefias Dimitrios
J: McKee J
$12,001 Lifetime: 41-13-6-5, $359,251

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