Black Type Race

Riley Allison Thoroughbred Futurity - L, $0, SUN,

12/27/03, , 6 1/2f, 1:17.29, FT
Margins: 1/2, nk, nk Odds: 4.9, 2.1, 7.1
1-- Tin Can Sailor, 120, h, 24, by Military
1st Dam: Rare Ruby by Rare Brick
2nd Dam: Loom's Fantacy by
3rd Dam: Gay Fantacy by
O: Britt Sam
B: Glencrest Farm LLC
T: Marr Joel H
J: Madeira C D
$87,926 Lifetime: 3-3-0-0, $104,426
2-- Hi Teck Man, 120, h, 24, by Claudius
1st Dam: Missy Cherub by Corwyn Bay (Ire)
2nd Dam: Irishly by
3rd Dam: Sweet Irish Lassie by
O: Spraberry Hassel R
B: Hassel R. Spraberry
T: Nall Johnnie L
J: Jaime R
$35,170 Lifetime: 6-4-2-0, $99,816
3-- Fleet Deputy, 120, h, 24, by Deputy Minister
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Fulton Stan E
B: John Kimmell, George Bolton & Lucilleconover
T: Alley Jess S
J: Bourdieu J M
$21,102 Lifetime: 3-0-0-2, $22,142

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