Black Type Race

Northampton S. $0, NMP,

09/04/05, , a6 1/2f, 1:22.57, FT
Margins: Odds: 2.6, 1, 2.9
1-- Jill's Jumpshot, 124, h, 2025, by Eastern Echo
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Collins Michael J
B: Edward H Stone
T: Collins Michael J
J: Paucar E
$8,975 Lifetime: 60-7-7-7, $96,222
2-- Storm Quest, 124, h, 12, by Storm Wolf
1st Dam: Dolly Wells (Arg) by Poliglote (GB)
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Swartz Sheldon E
B: George F. Heney, Sr
T: Grudzien Gerald S
J: Bush W V
$2,240 Lifetime: 46-7-6-5, $90,855

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