Black Type Race

Meafara S. - L, $0, HAW,

04/08/06, , 6f, 1:11.14, FT
Margins: 3 3/4, 1 1/2, 1 1/4 Odds: 0.9, 10.3, 9.7
1-- Victorina, 116, m, 22, by Delaware Township
1st Dam: Since Time Began by Rubiano
2nd Dam: Remember the Day by Settlement Day
3rd Dam: Royal Recall by Native Royalty
O: Aleo Harry J
B: Sez Who Thoroughbreds
T: Gilchrist Greg
J: Baze R A
$67,440 Lifetime: 5-4-1-0, $130,065
2-- Grandelena, 117, f, 2025, by Grand Slam
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Mamatas Nick & Kerber John
B: John Kerber & Iveta Kerber
T: Robertson Hugh
J: Blanc B
$22,480 Lifetime: 6-2-2-1, $65,830
3-- Dirty Rush, 115, m, 22, by Wild Rush
1st Dam: Satinet by Olympio
2nd Dam: Satin Promise by Dixieland Band
3rd Dam: Soft as Satin by Promised Land
O: Cahill Kirt
B: Chris Cahill & Kirt Cahill
T: Wilkes Ian R
J: McKee J
$12,364 Lifetime: 4-1-1-1, $36,494

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