Black Type Race

Taking Risks S. $0, TIM,

09/01/03, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.93, FT
Margins: 3 1/4, 2, 6 1/2 Odds: 3.4, 3.4, 1.8
1-- Full Brush, 119, h, 30, by Broad Brush
1st Dam: Foufa by Storm Bird
2nd Dam: Afifa by Dewan
3rd Dam: Hooplah by Hillary
O: Gill Michael J
B: Sondra Bender & Howard M. Bender
T: Shuman Mark
J: Rosenthal M E
$30,000 Lifetime: 54-9-13-12, $407,382
2-- Quick Punch, 119, h, 29, by Two Punch
1st Dam: Smart 'N Quick by Wise Exchange
2nd Dam: Lady Lyndy by Bold Favorite
3rd Dam: Counterflight by Count of Honor
O: Gill Michael J
B: Katharine W. Merryman
T: Shuman Mark
J: Mancilla O G
$10,000 Lifetime: 33-9-4-5, $286,360
3-- Aggadan, 124, h, 26, by Carnivalay
1st Dam: Georgia K. by Horatius
2nd Dam: Pleasure Point by Honest Pleasure
3rd Dam: Negotiator by Hoist the Flag
O: Goldfarb Sanford J
B: Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGinnes
T: Dutrow Richard E
J: Wilson R
$5,500 Lifetime: 17-8-2-3, $295,930

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