Black Type Race

City of Anderson S. $0, HOO,

10/03/03, , 5 1/2f, 1:06.93, MY
Margins: 1 1/2, 5 1/4, hd Odds: 0.9, 5.4, 3.3
1-- Tee's Pearl, 114, m, 24, by Lil E. Tee
1st Dam: Satin Jade by Diablo
2nd Dam: Cox's Miss by Cox's Ridge
3rd Dam: Aware by El Roblar
O: Schuler Tony
B: Tony Schuler
T: Walcott Charles A Jr
J: Butler D P
$23,430 Lifetime: 5-2-0-1, $37,370
2-- Belle of Indiana, 114, m, 2025, by Lac Ouimet
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Dean Larry R Jones David & Kleopfer
B: Larry R. Dean
T: Cain Joe
J: Thompson T J
$7,810 Lifetime: 5-1-1-1, $17,770
3-- Victory Punch, 119, m, 24, by Spartan Victory
1st Dam: Star Punch by Two Punch
2nd Dam: Banner Yet Waive by Jolly Johu
3rd Dam: Rayob by Boyar
O: Hajduk John C
B: John C. Hajduk
T: Zahl Robert
J: Knight L C
$4,306 Lifetime: 4-1-1-1, $13,906

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