Black Type Race

Duncan F. Kenner Breeders' Cup H. - L, $0, LAD,

01/14/06, , 6f, 1:10.59, FT
Margins: nk, 1/2, 1/2 Odds: 4.5, 4.7, 18.8
1-- Rodeo's Castle, 118, c, 24, by Rodeo
1st Dam: David's Castle by Sezyou
2nd Dam: Cato Castle by
3rd Dam: Davinia by Lt. Stevens
O: House Byron W III
B: Gus Schoenborn, Jr.
T: Fowler Beverly A
J: Jacinto J
$167,760 Lifetime: 15-8-4-0, $356,260
2-- Beau's Town, 120, h, 2025, by Beau Genius
1st Dam: Frio Town by Kerosene
2nd Dam: Delice by What a Pleasure
3rd Dam: Swoonalong by
O: Hulkewicz David J
B: Bryant H. Prentice III
T: Norman Cole
J: Borel C H
$55,920 Lifetime: 22-12-5-1, $667,850
3-- Dreamsandvisions, 115, g, 23, by Kipling
1st Dam: Nurse Linda K. by Dr. Adagio
2nd Dam: Firestone Star by Star de Naskra
3rd Dam: Vircan by Bold Reason
O: Duke Sandra
B: Luther Wicker
T: Duke Steven
J: Quinonez L S
$25,256 Lifetime: 10-4-0-5, $123,896

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