Black Type Race

Saylorville S. - L, $0, PRM,

07/05/02, , 6f, 1:09.89, FT
Margins: 1/2, 3/4, 1/2 Odds: 1.7, 43.4, 2.1
1-- Sweet Nanette, 119, m, 27, by You and I
1st Dam: Sweet Remedy by Dr. Carter
2nd Dam: Sweet Saree by Torsion
3rd Dam: Miss Mischievous by Brazen Brother
O: West Point Thoroughbreds
B: Green River Farms, Inc.
T: Stewart Dallas
J: Perret C
$75,000 Lifetime: 10-6-2-0, $341,425
2-- Trisha Runs, 122, m, 28, by Sharkey
1st Dam: Roberto's Trick by Royal Roberto
2nd Dam: Metric Type by Arcadia Type
3rd Dam: Doric Type by Selari
O: Woodsfield Farm
B: Woodsfield Farm & Susan Woods
T: Bader Mark S
J: Compton P
$35,000 Lifetime: 15-7-2-1, $236,474
3-- Miss Seffens, 113, m, 2025, by Dehere
1st Dam: Noise Enough by Bold Ruckus
2nd Dam: Ample Example by High Tribute
3rd Dam: Arctic Fancy by Nearctic
O: Biggs Karen J & Hays M
B: Roland E. Thompson
T: Wren Steve
J: Day P
$12,500 Lifetime: 25-11-1-2, $502,600

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