Black Type Race

Smile Sprint H. - G2, $0, CRC,

07/07/07, , 6f, 1:09.89, GD
Margins: 2, 6 1/2, 3/4 Odds: 7.8, 8.2, 1.1
1-- Mach Ride, 116, h, 22, by Pentelicus
1st Dam: April Invitation by Formal Dinner
2nd Dam: April Moment by For the Moment
3rd Dam: First Of Dawn by Waking Dawn
O: Rustlewood Farm Inc
B: Rustlewood Farm, Inc.
T: Standridge Steve W
J: Trujillo E
$303,800 Lifetime: 13-6-1-1, $515,750
2-- Paradise Dancer, 115, c, 2025, by Langfuhr
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Averill Richard N
B: Fred W Hertrich
T: Ziadie Kirk
J: Lezcano Jose
$98,000 Lifetime: 37-9-9-10, $434,510
3-- Smokey Stover, 123, h, 2025, by Put It Back
1st Dam: Milady's Halo by Jolie's Halo
2nd Dam: Milaoshu by Fappiano
3rd Dam: Turtle Cove by Dr. Fager
O: Aleo Harry J
B: Appleton Arthur I.
T: Gilchrist Greg
J: Gryder A T
$49,000 Lifetime: 12-7-4-1, $508,725

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