Black Type Race

Sweet And Sassy H. - L, $0, DEL,

05/15/04, , 6f, 1:10.53, FT
Margins: 4 1/4, 1/2, no Odds: 1.1, 2.2, 2.2
1-- Bronze Abe, 117, m, 2025, by Two Punch
1st Dam: Buckles And Kinks by Waquoit
2nd Dam: Rolling Mill by Hagley
3rd Dam: One Spot by Cavan
O: Bayard Samuel F
B: Mrs. James A. Bayard
T: Delp Grover G
J: Pino M G
$45,000 Lifetime: 26-10-4-6, $435,664
2-- Umpateedle, 117, h, 26, by Suave Prospect
1st Dam: Missy McKee by Silver Deputy
2nd Dam: Trickntreat by Clever Trick
3rd Dam: Honest and True by Mr. Leader
O: Gill Michael J
B: John B. Porter
T: Shuman Mark
J: Potts C L
$15,000 Lifetime: 37-11-6-3, $297,820
3-- Rebecca's Charm, 114, f, 2025, by Ponche
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Gill Michael J
B: Rousseau Racing LLC
T: Shuman Mark
J: Monterrey R
$8,250 Lifetime: 38-10-8-8, $285,460

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