Black Type Race

Lazaro Barrera Memorial S. - G2, $0, HOL,

05/29/04, , 7f, 1:21.57, FT
Margins: 3, 2 1/2, 3 Odds: 2.1, 6.3, 2.3
1-- Twice As Bad, 116, h, 24, by Stormy Atlantic
1st Dam: Two Bad Girls by Diablo
2nd Dam: Miss Conrex by Iron Constitution
3rd Dam: Kind Rex by
O: Mercedes Stables LLC
B: Linda S. Rosenblatt
T: Cerin Vladimir
J: Solis A
$90,000 Lifetime: 13-3-3-1, $196,280
2-- Wimplestiltskin, 116, g, 2025, by Petionville
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Everest Stables Inc
B: Everest Stables, Inc.
T: Polanco Marcelo
J: Valdivia J Jr
$30,000 Lifetime: 8-1-4-0, $108,439
3-- Don'tsellmeshort, 123, h, 24, by Benchmark
1st Dam: Miss Soft Sell by Siyah Kalem
2nd Dam: Solamente Un Vez by Relaunch
3rd Dam: Gavel Gertie by Flit-To
O: Peacock Cecil N
B: Mary H. Caldwell
T: Hendricks Dan L
J: Flores D R
$18,000 Lifetime: 13-4-3-2, $382,395

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