Black Type Race

Irish Champion S. - G1, €978,968, LEP,

09/07/08, , 7f, 2:07.57, T, YL
Margins: 1/2, 1 1/4, shd Odds: 0.62, 50, 8
1-- New Approach (Ire), 126, h, 20, by Galileo (Ire)
1st Dam: Park Express (Ire) by Ahonoora (GB)
2nd Dam: Matcher by Left Banker
3rd Dam: Lachine 2nd by
O: Bourne William T
T: Bolger J S
J: Manning K J
$811,735 Lifetime: 10-7-2-1, $3,460,834
2-- Traffic Guard, 133, h, 2025, by More Than Ready
1st Dam: Street Scene (Ire) by Zafonic
2nd Dam: Lady Vivienne (Ire) by
3rd Dam: Chemise (GB) by Shantung (Fr)
O: Bourne William T
B: Frank Penn & John R. Penn
T: Chapple-Hyam Jane
J: Egan J F
$285,320 Lifetime: 17-3-6-1, $536,062
3-- Mores Wells (GB), 133, h, 21, by Sadler's Wells
1st Dam: Endorsement (GB) by Summer Squall
2nd Dam: Political Parfait by Diplomat Way
3rd Dam: Peach Butter by
O: Bourne William T
T: Prendergast Kevin
J: McDonogh D P
$142,660 Lifetime: 14-4-2-3, $502,644

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