Black Type Race

Bing Crosby Breeders' Cup H. - G2, $0, DMR,

07/26/03, , 6f, 1:07.96, FT
Margins: 1 1/2, nk, 2 Odds: 5.1, 2.1, 9.9
1-- Beau's Town, 119, h, 2025, by Beau Genius
1st Dam: Frio Town by Kerosene
2nd Dam: Delice by What a Pleasure
3rd Dam: Swoonalong by
O: Beck & Hulkewicz
B: Bryant H. Prentice III
T: Norman Cole
J: Valenzuela P A
$120,000 Lifetime: 14-10-3-0, $499,400
2-- Captain Squire, 117, g, 26, by Flying Chevron
1st Dam: Dolly's Back by At the Threshold
2nd Dam: Donna's Dolly by Fire Dancer
3rd Dam: Delray Darlin by Hold Your Peace
O: Bone Robert D & Diener Jeffrey S
B: J D Farms
T: Mullins Jeff
J: Stevens G L
$40,000 Lifetime: 13-5-3-3, $711,800
3-- Bluesthestandard, 117, g, 28, by American Standard
1st Dam: Bob's Blue by Bob's Dusty
2nd Dam: Swirlin Sue by Amber Morn
3rd Dam: T. V. Nice by T. V. Lark
O: Sengara Jeffrey
B: Terry Brown
T: West Ted H
J: Pedroza M A
$18,000 Lifetime: 24-14-5-2, $554,910

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