Black Type Race

Minnesota Turf Championship S. $0, CBY,

08/21/05, , a1m, 1:38.90, T, FM
Margins: 2 1/2, 2 3/4, nk Odds: 0.6, 17.3, 40.4
1-- Lt. Sampson, 119, g, 24, by Wolf Power (SAf)
1st Dam: Lucy'spicksix by Saratoga Six
2nd Dam: Stake Sauce by Sauce Boat
3rd Dam: Lamaja by Groton
O: Sampson Curtis A
B: Curtis A. Sampson
T: Biehler Michael E
J: Bell D C
$24,000 Lifetime: 15-7-4-1, $159,954
2-- Sajjan, 119, g, 2025, by Takur
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Kissoon Thoroughbreds & Butzow Barr
B: Kissoon Thoroughbreds, Clugg & O' Gorman
T: Robertson McLean
J: Martinez S B
$8,000 Lifetime: 17-4-2-1, $70,578
3-- Bassant, 115, g, 27, by Mr. Goldust
1st Dam: Lady Astaire by Fred Astaire
2nd Dam: Jennifer's Lady by Barachois
3rd Dam: Aunt Hildy by Bold Native
O: Rampadarat Roopishwar & Gaitri
B: Roopishwar Rampadarat
T: Rampadarat Roopishwa
J: Goodwin N
$4,400 Lifetime: 39-4-2-6, $96,016

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