Black Type Race

Fall Highweight H. - L, $0, AQU,

11/24/05, , 6f, 1:09.30, FT
Margins: nk, nk, 2 Odds: 3, 6.3, 28.75
1-- Attila's Storm, 126, h, 23, by Forest Wildcat
1st Dam: Sweet Symmetry by Magesterial
2nd Dam: Foolish Today by Foolish Pleasure
3rd Dam: Sunny Today by Prince John
O: Schwartz Barry K Wachtel Stable Dou
B: Lajos Kengye
T: Schosberg Richard
J: Morales Pablo
$67,500 Lifetime: 9-4-1-1, $220,628
2-- Voodoo, 125, c, 27, by Petionville
1st Dam: Slide Show by Slewacide
2nd Dam: Screen Landing by Silent Screen
3rd Dam: Lady Summit by First Landing
O: Moore Susan & John
B: Everest Stables, Inc.
T: Jerkens James A
J: Castellano J J
$22,500 Lifetime: 36-7-7-5, $680,030
3-- Super Fuse, 124, c, 25, by Lite the Fuse
1st Dam: Season's Flair by D'Accord
2nd Dam: Elegant Moment by Timeless Moment
3rd Dam: My Sika by True Knight
O: Alpha One Stable
B: Adena Springs
T: Englehart Chris
J: Arroyo N Jr
$11,250 Lifetime: 39-6-9-8, $423,768

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