Black Type Race

Doubledogdare S. - G3, $0, KEE,

04/17/09, , 1 1/16m, 1:42.40, AW, FT
Margins: 2 1/4, 2 1/4, nk Odds: 1.7, 7.1, 8.8
1-- Indescribable, 117, m, 21, by Pleasant Tap
1st Dam: Catnip by Flying Paster
2nd Dam: Beware of the Cat by Caveat
3rd Dam: T. C. Kitten by Tom Cat
O: Courtlandt Farms
B: Courtlandt Farm
T: Mott William I
J: Desormeaux K J
$62,000 Lifetime: 17-6-1-4, $394,595
2-- Serenading, 117, m, 2025, by A.P. Indy
1st Dam: Daijin by Deputy Minister
2nd Dam: Passing Mood by Buckpasser
3rd Dam: Cool Mood by Northern Dancer
O: Sikura John G & Glen
B: Hill 'N' Dale Farm & N.E.T.P.
T: Carroll Josie
J: Albarado R J
$20,000 Lifetime: 13-4-7-1, $316,665
3-- Tejida, 117, m, 22, by Rahy
1st Dam: Batique by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Serape by Fappiano
3rd Dam: Mochila by In Reality
O: Groves Helen K
B: Helen K. Groves Revocable Trust
T: Matz Michael R
J: Leparoux Julien R
$10,000 Lifetime: 18-4-3-1, $211,375

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