Black Type Race

Woodford Reserve Lake Placid S. - G3, $0, SAR,

08/22/10, , 1 1/8m, 1:54.52, SY
Margins: Odds: 0.75, 2.8, 1.7
Also Ran: ,
1-- It's Tea Time, 116, h, 18, by Dynaformer
1st Dam: Prof. McGonagall by Storm Cat
2nd Dam: Rootentootenwooten by Diesis (GB)
3rd Dam: Bold Flora by Bold Favorite
O: Campbell Alex G Jr
B: Campbell Alex G. Jr.
T: Arnold George R II
J: Leparoux Julien R
$90,000 Lifetime: 7-3-2-0, $242,397
2-- Hatheer, 116, f, 2025, by Storm Cat
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Shadwell Stable
B: Shadwell Farm, LLC
T: McLaughlin Kiaran P
J: Garcia A
$30,000 Lifetime: 9-2-2-0, $167,560
3-- Triple Cream, 116, m, 18, by Tapit
1st Dam: Swearingen by Deposit Ticket
2nd Dam: Firey Affair by Explodent
3rd Dam: Country Romance by Saint Ballado
O: Flay Bobby
B: Yutaka Tagami
T: Toner James J
J: Maragh Rajiv
$15,000 Lifetime: 8-1-1-2, $94,400

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