Black Type Race

Molly Pitcher S. - G2, $0, MTH,

08/29/10, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.52, FT
Margins: 3 1/2, 2, 11 1/4 Odds: 3, 0.6, 7.6
1-- Just Jenda, 117, m, 19, by Menifee
1st Dam: Liberty School by Pine Bluff
2nd Dam: Fulbright Scholar by Cox's Ridge
3rd Dam: Matriculation by Arts and Letters
O: Jones J Larry & Cindy
B: Lavin Bloodstock Services, Inc.
T: Jones Cindy
J: Thompson T J
$180,000 Lifetime: 17-8-1-3, $750,680
2-- Malibu Prayer, 123, m, 19, by Malibu Moon
1st Dam: Grand Prayer by Grand Slam
2nd Dam: Lyrical Prayer by The Minstrel
3rd Dam: Belle Gallante by Gallant Man
O: Evans Edward P
B: Edward P. Evans
T: Pletcher Todd A
J: Gomez G K
$60,000 Lifetime: 13-6-4-2, $618,026
3-- Milwaukee Appeal, 117, m, 19, by Milwaukee Brew
1st Dam: Appealing Forum by Open Forum
2nd Dam: Appealing Inez by Valid Appeal
3rd Dam: Here's Inez by Venetian Court
O: George Eugene
B: C E C Farms
T: Fairlie Scott H
J: Elliott S
$30,000 Lifetime: 19-5-6-5, $1,079,401

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