Black Type Race

Turf Paradise Breeders' Cup H. - L, $0, TUP,

02/02/02, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.31, T, FM
Margins: nk, 3/4, 2 Odds: 1.8, 1, 3
1-- Auction House, 116, h, 29, by Exbourne
1st Dam: Fast Flow by Riverman
2nd Dam: Meteoric (GB) by
3rd Dam: Metair (GB) by Laser Light (GB)
O: Juddmonte Farms Inc
B: Juddmonte Farms
T: Frankel Robert J
J: Demuro M
$90,000 Lifetime: 20-6-1-2, $406,791
2-- Devine Wind, 118, g, 2025, by American Chance
1st Dam: by
2nd Dam: by
3rd Dam: by
O: Englander Richard A
B: Paul Tackett & Clark Cleveland
T: Canani Nick
J: Valdivia J Jr
$30,000 Lifetime: 19-6-3-2, $384,645
3-- Casey Griffin, 117, h, 29, by Gate Dancer
1st Dam: Doctor Hannahbaby by Family Doctor
2nd Dam: Joey Blue by Plunk
3rd Dam: Artifice by Gentle Art
O: Wilson David W & Holly F
B: Dr. J. Crayton Pruitt
T: Cerin Vladimir
J: Martinez S B
$7,500 Lifetime: 19-4-4-2, $237,185

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