Black Type Race

Melair S. $0, HOL,

04/24/05, , 1 1/16m, 1:43.07, FT
Margins: 4, 1/2, 3/4 Odds: 3.3, 2.7, 18.8
1-- Leave Me Alone, 114, m, 23, by Bold Badgett
1st Dam: Fabulous Ballet by Moscow Ballet
2nd Dam: A Fabulous Time by Somethingfabulous
3rd Dam: Interview Time by
O: S M Mitchell Ranch LLC
B: Old English Rancho & Quinn And Pond
T: Kruljac J Eric
J: Baze T C
$120,000 Lifetime: 5-3-1-0, $196,180
2-- Cee's Irish, 124, m, 23, by Cee's Tizzy
1st Dam: Zandalusia by Bold Ruckus
2nd Dam: Dear Irish by Irish Castle
3rd Dam: Dirline by
O: The Merv Griffin Ranch Co
B: C-Punch Ranch, Inc.
T: O'Neill Doug
J: Nakatani C S
$40,000 Lifetime: 10-4-4-0, $375,480
3-- Two Times Won, 115, m, 23, by Memo (Chi)
1st Dam: Dad's Penelope by Saros (GB)
2nd Dam: Charmarita by
3rd Dam: Nooran by
O: Agosto Mike & Cenicola Lewis & Donn
B: Lewis A. Cenicola & Donna Cenicola
T: Cenicola Lewis A
J: Douglas R R
$24,000 Lifetime: 7-2-1-2, $108,154

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